Website Air India Engineering Services Limited
Air India Engineering Services Limited (AIESL) invites applications for recruitment of Accounts Officer and Accounts Assistant.
Designation: Accounts Officer/ Accounts Assistant
Number of Openings: 18
Hyderabad: 1 Accounts Officer & 2 Accounts Assistant
Kolkata: 1 Accounts Officer & 2 Accounts Assistant
Delhi: 2 Accounts Officer & 4 Accounts Assistant
Mumbai: 2 Accounts Officer & 4 Accounts Assistant
Salary: Rs. 80,000/- p.m. for Accounts Officer position and Rs. 25,000/- p.m. for Accounts Assistant position.
For Accounts Officer: Candidates should be an Inter Chartered Accountant / Inter cost and management Accountant or MBA in Finance.
For Accounts Assistant: Candidate should be commerce graduate from a recognized university.
Age: For Accounts Officer: Upto 30 years as on 1st August, 2021. For Accounts Assistant: Upto 28 years as on 1st Aug. 2021.
Experience: 3 years for Accounts Officer and Fresher/ Experienced for Accounts Assistant.
Candidates who wish to apply are advised to print the Application Format, fill it and send the application
addressed to Chief of Personnel, AIESL by Post/ Speed post/ courier at following address in an envelope that must be super scribed with the post:
Post Applied for Accounts Officer/ Accounts Assistant
AIESL, Personnel Department, 2nd Floor, CRA Building, Safdarjung Airport Complex, Aurbindo Marg, New Delhi – 110 003
The last date of receipt of application is 5 PM on 23rd August, 2021 on the above address.
To apply for this job please visit www.airindia.in.