There have been amendments in Rajasthan Stamp Duty rates which are effective from 01.04.2016.
Few of the changes are:
- There is a huge change in stamp duty of Rajasthan which are applicable from 1st april, 2016
- Affidavit will required to be stamped from Rs. 10 to Rs. 20
- Rent Agreement will required to be stamped with Rs. 500 instead of Rs. 100
- Partnership deed will required to be stamped with Rs. 2000
Jaipur, March 30, 2016
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of section 9 of the Rajasthan Stamp Act, 1998 (Act No. 14 of 1999), the State Government being of the opinion that it is expedient in public interest to do, hereby orders that the stamp duty chargeable on the release deed of ancestral property specified in clause (a) of Article 48 of Schedule 48 of the said Act, shall be reduced and charged as under:
S.No | Description | Rate of Stamp Duty |
1 | Where the market value of the share, interest, part or claim renounced does not exceed Rs. 5 lacs | 1.5 percent of the amount equal to the market value of the share, interest, part or , claim renounced subject to maximum or rupees me thousand. |
2 | Where the market value of the share, interest, part or claim renounced exceeds rupees 5 lacs but does not exceed rupees 10 lacs | Two thousand rupees |
3 | Where the market value share, interest, part or claim renounced exceeds Rupees 10 lacs. | Five thousand rupees. |
Stamp duty already paid shall not be refunded.
This shall come into force with effect from 01.04.2016.
By the order of Governor
Dr. Devraj
Joint Secretary to the Government