This forum topic is dedicated completely for MBL Annual Exam June 2016. You can download a few questions which we think are important for June 2016 exam of MBL- NLSIU 1st year.
These are just guess questions on the basis of previous papers. You can also point out if you think other topics are also important. And if you have any query on any type, feel free to comment it below.
Important Topics for June:
[1] [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=623 linktext='Contract Law' /]
[2] [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=620 linktext='Banking Law' /]
[3] [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=624 linktext='Corporate Law' /]
[4] [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=621 linktext='Industrial Law' /]
[5] [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=622 linktext='Environmental Law' /]
Previous Examination Question Papers:
January 2016 MBL-1st year Supplementary Exam
June 2015 MBL-1st year Annual Exam
December 2014 MBL-1st year Supplementary Exam
Contract law page for important questions forJune 2016 examination is not opening.
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Case Laws are very important in Contract Law paper and your understanding of these cases will decide whether you will comfortably clear the paper or not.
In this forum topic, we will put a number of cases for you to practice. You can also put your answers as well as queries in the comment box below.
Case Law in Contract Law for MBL June 2016 Exam
Case Law 1:
Satya, assignee of Bejoy, sued defendant Ramesh alongwith Bejoy as party defendant, for wrongfully repudiating the contract of developing the lands which were sold to the Satya, and asked for specific performance of the same. Defendant took the defence of frustration as the lands which needed to be developed were temporarily requisitioned by the Govt. under the defence rules such that for unspecified period of time, any development work if executed on the land would be illegal. The contract was made at a time when war conditions were prevailing and any such requisition was imputed to be in contemplation of the parties while forming contract. Further, no time was specified in the contract.
Issue: Whether the contract was rendered illegal and hence frustrated u/s 56?
Case Law 2:
Soni bid for a Mumbai- Delhi ticket for August 27 for Rs 8700. She received an email from the internet site announcing that she is the highest bidder. PNR no. was generated and her credit card was charged with the amount. She was going to Delhi to attend her job interview. The company postponed the interview. She immediately informed the internet site and airlines through mail, phone and fax that she would not be able to go for the interview, so her money should be credited back. Decide.
Case Law 3:
Herne Bay agreed to let out a boat to Hutton (a) for viewing a naval review on the occasion of the coronation of Edward VII, and (b) to sail around the fleet. Owing to the King's illness the naval review was abandoned but the fleet was assembled. The boat, therefore, could be used to sail round the fleet. Is the contract discharged?
Case Law 4:
A got property of B attached in execution of a money decree. The decree was as a matter of fact against another person of a similar name. In order to save his property from being sold away, B paid the amount of the decree. Subsequently, he sued A for getting the amount back. Will he succeed?
Case Law 5:
A person verbally promised the secretary of the Mosque Committee to subscribe Rs. 1000 for rebuilding of a mosque. Later, he declined to pay the said amount. Can the promised amount be recovered from him?
Case Law 6:
Raju instructs his lawyer in another town to engage an estate agent to sell his house in that town. Accordingly, the lawyer selects Binod, the leading estate agent of the town, for the purpose. Binod is able to sell the house for a good price. But he delays to permit the purchase amount to Raju and meanwhile becomes insolvent. Raju holds his lawyer responsible for the loss. How would you decide?
Case Law 7:
The prospectus of a company did not refer to the existence of a document disclosing liabilities. This gave the impression that the company was prosperous. If the existence of the document had been disclosed, the impression would have been different. Is the non-disclosure amounted to fraud?
Case Law 8:
Ramesh rent out his house situated in Kolkata to Waqar for a rent of Rs. 10,000 per month. A sum of Rs. 5 lakhs, the house tax payable by Ramesh to the Municipal Corporation being in arrears, his house is advertised for sale by the corporation. Waqar pays the corporation, the sum due from Ramesh to avoid legal consequences.
Referring to the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 decide whether Waqar is entitled to get the reimbursement of the said amount from Ramesh.
Case Law 9:
An auctioneer advertised in a newspaper that a sale of office furniture would be held at Delhi. B, a broker of Mumbai, reached Delhi on the appointed date and time. But the auctioneer withdrew all the furniture from the auction sale. The broker sues him for his loss of time and expenses. Will he succeed?
Case Law 10:
A Hindu husband, after referring to quarrels and disagreement between him and his wife executed a registered document in favour of his wife agreeing to pay her for maintenance, but no consideration moved from the wife. Is the agreement valid?
Environment Law file not downloading
Can you please upload 2013,2012 and 2011 annual exam question papers as well ?
As to what percentage of your selected questions regarding the relevant topics students find common questions in the examination every year ?
Aditi, you have to login first.
Gargi, use the search option to browse previous year questions. Regarding percentage, we are not a bit interested in comparing questions with important topics. If you want to, previous important questions are also available on site.
OK. Thanks.
I searched and tried downloading the other previous year's papers but I think there's a technical problem as it's saying cannot display PDF file.
corporate law paper for june 2016 is not available.
hi CD,
Corporate law important question paper for june 2016 is not available, please update the same.
Thanks & Regards,
Amarjyot, it is uploaded. If you are unable to view it yet, please clear your browser cache.
Can you please upload 2016 Jan.supplementary examination paper for environmental law as well as key answers for corporate, industrial and environmental? Those are not uploaded yet.