
Main Objects of Sec...
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Main Objects of Section 8 Company operating for Women Empowerment

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Main Objects of Section 8 Company operating for Women Empowerment and Orphanage running:

  •           To provide educational support to poor students belongs to economically disadvantaged, child labourers, disabled, orphans, semi orphans.
  • To sensitize destitute women and adolescent girls on their rights & entitlements.
  • To empower poor women and promote SHGs.
  • To help and sponsor old age persons midday meal, groceries to enable them to get timely food.
  • To rehabilitate orphan and street children.
  • To take up relief and rehabilitation for the victims of Natural Calamities like floods.
  • To educate and enlighten the indigenous tribals and remote rural masses.
  • To empower youth and provide vocational/ skill development trainings for sustainable livelihoods.
  • To rehabilitate child labour, street children, orphans to sensitize them on their rights.
  • To sensitize public on health & sanitation, education, environment, consumer rights, road safety and other social issues.
  • To promote scientific temper and take up IT to grass roots.
  • To work for rural development and slum development.
  • To empower dalits and organize them to enjoy human rights and constitutional rights.
  • To prevent and control HIV/ AIDS, TB, Malaria and to conduct medical health camps to the remote rural tribals.
  • To prevent malnutrition and promote nutritional diet among children, adolescents and women.
  • To conduct seminars, impact studies, workshops, research study and awareness campaign on educational policies, statistics, health, legal issues, women and children developmental activities.
  • To work for sustainable agricultural development and promote organic farming.
  • To create unity, integrity and communal harmony.
  • To promote adult & informal education among rural masses and slum dwellers.
  • To empower and organize persons with disability. 
  • To Co-Ordinate and relate with the various Dalit Movements with a view to enable their integration for collective action.
  • To train the Dalit women and Dalit youths to take up the leadership training in village level with the clear perspective.
  • To provide resource base on Dalit Literature, History, Culture and other relevant topics.
  • To Promote and propagate the importance and relevance of medicines by way of medical camps or otherwise for healthy and prosperous development of the public.
  • To run physically, mentally and visually handicapped rehabilitation centers, old age home, Orphanage,  Deaf and dumb School, crèches etc for non  profit motive.
  • To organize men and women to form self-help groups and motivate, train the rural women in enterprising activities to improve their standard of living both economically and socially.
  • To reassert that women’s human rights are indivisible and universal and to challenge the development policies affecting the rights of women.
  • To prevent the exploitation of children and to enforce the rights of the children and also work towards abolition of child labor.
  • To tackle the linked problems of economic development and protection of the Environment.
  • To help the women in all possible ways in order to make them self reliant and self supportive.
  • To fight against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any individual, class, community in the society.
  • To educate the people for adoption of the good norms of a good citizenship and to inculcate into the people's mind, ideals of national unity.
  •  To work for uplifting the status of women in the society. To work against female circumcision and to fight against the victimization of girl /women by anybody in the society on female circumcision or any other related issues.
  • To propagate the need for tree plantation / pollution control and environmental awareness
  •  To help and generate training programme for self employment of women and educated unemployed people and to work for adult education.
  • To create the means for providing medical assistance to the people suffering from diseases, especially for helpless people.
  • To provide help under health & nutrition services for women   and children.
  • To establish library and reading rooms in needy communities.
  •  To create Training/education centre and health centre.
  •  To publish newspaper, magazine, journals and to reproduce works of arts, literature, science, crafts and other allied works/collections of works of arts for instruction and imparting useful knowledge
  • To provide help/shelter/facilities for old people, children and disabled persons for their welfare.
  • To organise forums, seminars, camps etc for spreading good living habits, moral values, Ghanaian culture, and methods of developing self confidence etc and to create centres throughout the country for the above activities.
  • To work for uplifting poor rural/village people for their overall development.
  •   Provide scholarship/Financial help to poor rural/village people for their overall development.
  • To provide help to people suffering from Natural calamities such as flood, Earthquakes, motor accidents etc.
  •  To provide free legal advice to poor people.
  • To create awareness among the people regarding AIDS etc.
  •   To educate people against taking drugs and Alcohol.
  • To arrange land, building and other facilities for running school/college institution/Library etc.


