The Institute is going to introduce Self Service portal for Students & Members which includes online e-Diary for keeping a periodical record of Articled Training undertaken by Students, apart from keeping a record of leaves taken and stipend received.
E-Diary is an online system which aims to enhance the practical education and training of Article/Audit trainees and Industrial Trainee, through a mechanism of capturing the work done by students, reviewed by Principal, alerts for due dates and monitoring at the Institute level.
Eligible Articled/Audit Assistant/Industrial Trainees, registered under Articleship/ Industrial training with the Institute as per ICAI Regulation 46 and 51 are covered under E-Diary scheme.
The date for Self Service Portal- E Diary Release would be announced shortly on the Institute Website at and would be published in “The Chartered Accountant” and “The Chartered Accountant Student” journals.
Click here to download FAQ on E-Diary
how much time does it take to show the status?
Hopefully by 17th May, they will upload the admit card on their portal
Hopefully by 17th May, they will upload the admit card on their portal,
hai how are you