The Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI) will declare the results of the Chartered Accountants Intermediate (IPC) May examination on Sunday, July 29 for both old and new course.
The Institute has scheduled the result time at 6 pm but going by the previous trend, they might release the results before time. Along with the CA result, the all India merit list (upto the 50th rank in the case of final and foundation examination only) will be made available. The exams were earlier held in May/ June 2018.
ICAI CA IPCC Intermediate Result May 2018: How to check via website
Step 1: Visit the official websites,, and
Step 2: Click on the result tab
Step 3: In the new window, enter your registration number/ roll number
Step 4: Results will be appeared on the screen
Step 5: Download it, and take a print out for further reference.
ICAI CA IPCC Intermediate Result May 2018: How to check via SMS
To get their IPCC result via SMS, students have to send an SMS in the following format to 58888:
Intermediate (IPC) Examination (Old Course)
CAIPCOLD (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate (IPC) Examination roll number of the candidate), e.g. CAIPCOLD 000128
Intermediate Examination (New Course)
CAIPCNEW (space) XXXXXX (Where XXXXXX is the six digit Intermediate Examination roll number of the candidate) , e.g. CAIPCNEW 000128