CBSE has issued a detailed notification for UGC NET 2017 exams to be held on 5 November.
The candidates who desire to appear in the test may see the detailed notification available on the website:, from Monday. The candidates are required to apply online from 1 August. The last date for applying online is 30 August and fee can be paid up to 31 August.
How to check CBSE UGC NET Exam 2017 notification:
- Go to the official website,
- Click on the link, ‘NET November 2017 Notification’
- After clicking the same, the notification will be displayed on the screen
- Read carefully all the details such as eligibility criteria, application process etc
Examination fees: The fees for general category candidates is Rs600, Rs300 for OBC (other backward caste) candidates, and Rs150 for candidates belonging to SC/ST (sceduled caste/scheduled tribe) categories. Service charges and service taxes (as applicable) will be charged additionally by the bank. The fee can be remitted in the following ways:
— Through eChallan by deposit of prescribed fees in CBSE account with Syndicate Bank, ICICI, HDFC Bank and Canara Bank.
— By debit/credit card.
Steps to be followed for online application:
1) Fill in the online application form and note down system generated application number
The candidate should supply all the details while filling the online application form and are also required to choose password and security question and enter his/her answer.
After successful submission of the data, an application number will be generated and it will be used to complete the remaining steps of the application form. It will also be required for all future correspondence.
Subsequently, the candidate will be able to login directly with his/her system-generated application number and chosen password.
2) Upload scanned images of photograph and signature
The scanned images of photograph and signature should be in jpg/jpeg format only.
— Size of the photo image must be greater than 4KB and less than 40KB.
— Size of the signature image must be greater than 1KB and less than 30KB.
— Dimension of photograph image should be 3.5cm (width) x 4.5 cm (height) only.
— Dimension of signature image should be 3.5 cm (length) x 1.5 cm(Height) only.
Note: Candidates will be able to modify/correct the particulars before the payment of fees. Once the payment of fee has been made/e-Challan downloaded, candidate particulars cannot be edited.
3) Pay examination fee by eChallan or debit/credit card
For payment by Syndicate Bank/ ICICI/ HDFC Bank/ Canara Bank challan: The candidate has to select bank (Syndicate/Canara/HDFC Bank/ICICI) to deposit the application fee through eChallan mode. As soon as he/she selects, an eChallan will be generated containing specific details of the candidate along with the amount to be paid. The candidate has to take a printout of the same and take it to the nearest branch of the selected bank for making payment. After the confirmation of fee deposited from Bank/CBSE, the candidate will be able to print the “confirmation page”.
Payment by Debit/Credit Card: The candidate has to select the debit/credit card option to pay the application fee and follow the online instruction to complete the payment of fee. After successful payment, the candidate will be able to print the confirmation page.
4) Download the confirmation page: The candidate should take a printout of the confirmation page and keep it for future reference. The confirmation page should not be sent to CBSE.