The ICSI NIRC is organising a Campus Placement for the students for 15 Months Training on Saturday, the 15th September 2012 at ICSI-NIRC, 4 Institutional Area, Prasad Nagar, Delhi 110005 at 9.30 AM.
The following process will be followed:
1) Name of the participating companies will be announced at the Campus
2) Students already undergoing 15 Months training or are already in employment are not eligible to participate in the Campus Placement.
3) Résumés of candidates should be submitted to, latest by 14th September 2012.
4) The résumés of all the eligible candidates will be given to the company coming for participating in the event. The candidates attending the Campus Placement are expected to come in formal dress and bring sufficient number of copies of their résumés & passport colour photograph.
5) Companies will shortlist from the lot of résumés and interview the candidates as shortlisted by them. Hence, a candidate will get opportunity for interview only if his/her resume is shortlisted by a company.
6) Students are requested to invariably mention their Registration No. respectively in their resume
7) Candidates are requested to be present on Saturday, the 15th September 2012 at ICSI-NIRC, 4 Institutional Area, Prasad Nagar, Delhi 110005 at 8.30 AM, an orientation programme is scheduled for interview preparation.