You’ve always heard about the rivalry between luxury car manufacturers and the three names that are always in the news – BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Audi. This rivalry in fact goes beyond who trumps who in the automobile market, but you see them want to grab the top spot when it comes to racing too. Mind you, they acknowledge it too.
“Thank-you for 100 years of competition! The first 30 were a bit boring”, Mercedes-Benz tells BMW, the year the Munich-based rival is celebrating one century of existence.
After trolling the rival company with an invitation for the BMW employees to visit the Stuttgart car museum free of charge, Mercedes-Benz is showing a video to thank their 100-year old rivals, but also to remind them that they were here first, some 30 years ahead.
For background, the Stuttgart-based Mercedes Benz was founded in 1886, a full 30 years before Munich-based BMW opened shop.
The video troll comes as Mercedes looks poised to be the world’s largest luxury car maker by sales in the next few years.