The University Grants Commission announces holding of the National Eligibility Test (NET) on 30th December 2012 (SUNDAY) for determining the eligibility of Indian nationals for the Eligibility for Lectureship only or Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) and Eligibility for Lectureship both in Indian universities and colleges.
For such purpose, last date of submitting fee is 16th November 2012. Often candidates feel issues with the procedure of online application of UGC-NET. We are providing below step by step procedure of applying for UGC NET/ JRF exams:-
Step 1: Download Bank challan from here and then deposit the requisite test fee (Rs. 450 for Gen, Rs. 225 for OBC and Rs. 110 for SC/ST/PWD) in any branch of State Bank of India along with the bank commission of Rs.20/-.
Step 2: Before applying Online, the candidates must possess scanned passport size photograph in JPEG/ JPG format of less than 300 kb and copy of Bank Challan.
Step 3: Apply Online here. In case of Existing user, simple log in with your credentials. In case of new user, create your profile.
Step 4: After log in and submission of all relevant details, the candidate should take printout of followings:
(i) online Application Form (two copy),
(ii) Attendance Slip (one copy)
(iii) Admission Card (one copy)
Step 5: SC/ST/PWD candidates and candidates belonging to OBC (non-creamy layer) (as per the Central list of OBC available on website : ) must enclose the attested copy of certificate for the same.
Step 6: The candidates must affix their recent identical passport size photographs, at the places indicated, on the printout of Online Application Form and Attendance Slip must sign across the photograph after it is affixed so that a part of the signature spreads over the Application Form and Attendance Slip beyond the photograph. Besides, it should be duly attested by the Head of the University Department/ Principal of the College/Class-I Gazetted Officer.
Step 7: The candidates should retain the print out of online Admission card with them and will bring it on the day of examination after affixing the identical passport size photograph. The photograph must be signed across by the candidate after affixing, so that a part of the signature spreads over the Admit Card. Besides, it should be duly attested by the Head of the University Department/ Principal of the College/ class-I Gazetted officer.
Remember these important instructions:
(1) Take print out of 2 copies of Application Form, 1 copy of Attendance slip and 1 copy of Admit card. Take photocopy of UGC copy of challan.
(2) Remember to paste similar photograph, which you have scanned .
(3) Get the forms and related documents attested by the authorities.
(4) Keep Candidate copy of challan with you, and staple UGC copy of challan and photostate of UGC copy of challan to both Application forms.
(4) Bring an A-4 size envelope with you to the respective UGC centre for submission.