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Mock Test for CAT Level-II exam of ICWAI

The Certificate Course in Accounting Technicians (CAT) is of one year, which comprises of Examinations,Computer Training, Practical Training and Orientation Training Programme. It comprises of two parts- Foundation Course (Entry Level) Part-l and Competency Level Part-ll .

Its main objective is to develop among the students the necessary skills required to apply theoretical knowledge of Accounting to practical situations in different functional areas of Accounting.

A student can enroll for competency level Part-II of the CAT course provided he has:

a) passed foundation course (entry level Part – I) examination of CAT or ICWAI main course conducted by the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India.

b) passed graduation in any discipline

Mock Test for CAT Level-II

Guidelines for Test:-

1. Please use only Internet Explorer 6.0 or above for taking the test.

2. You will find two options

(a) Start the Exam – This option is used for Starting the test for the first time.

(b) Restart the Exam – This option is used if by any reason you test is not completed and your system or browser is restarted or any net connectivity issue. Here after you log in using ID and password, click on “Delete All” button to resume on unfinished test.

3. To login click on Start the Exam and you will proceed to Member login page where you have to provide your CAT registration no and in password you have to give DOB.  Example:1. Suppose Regn no is CATNR1 and DOB is 1June 1990. So your membership name or ID will be your Regn no and your password will be 1Jun1990 ( in number, first three letters  of Month and year in Number)

if DOB = 1 February, 1990 then password = 1Feb1990
if DOB = 12 January, 1990 then password = 12Jan1990

4. After you log in you will be directed to confirmation page where you need to click on “Confirm” and then click on “I have read the Instruction” in blank instruction page.

5. Then you will be redirected to sample question paper which you can try to know how the online test goes and after finishing you may click on Final Submit button to move to actual mock test.

6. In actual mock test if you click on “ Final Submit” you test will finish, so be careful at this stage.

Click here to start Mock Test




  1. I am request you to please create my Login ID

    i am unable to creat my id.. in MOCKTEST FOR CAT LEVEL 2 please help me in this regard

  2. i am confuse about the new model of cat2 online exam of june 2013,plz suggest me,how can i get the new model paper of cat2 exam?


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