Students called off their five-day stir on Friday, a day after the UPPSC agreed to their demand that the Provincial Civil Services Preliminary (PSC) examination should be held on a single day.
The Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) also announced on Thursday that it will form a committee on Review Officer (RO) and Assistant RO (ARO) exams to ensure transparency and fairness.
The students had been agitating since November 11 to demand that the PSC and, RO and ARO preliminary exams be held on one single day.
The UPPSC on Friday announced that the Provincial Civil Services (PCS) Preliminary Exam-2024 will be held on December 22 in two shifts.
Giving this information, UPPSC Secretary Ashok Kumar said earlier the PCS Preliminary Examination was proposed for December 7 and December 8. Now it will be conducted on December 22 in two sessions — in the first session from 9.30 am to 11.30 am and in the second session from 2.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
Agreeing to the demands of aspirants after protests, the UPPSC on Thursday postponed the RO and ARO exams, and announced that it will hold the PCS Preliminary Exam-2024 on the old pattern on a single day.