The linking of Aadhaar to bank accounts and PAN card has been put off by the government from the deadline of December 31, 2017. In a gazette notification, dated December 12, the ministry of finance said that citizens will have to link Aadhaar to bank accounts and PAN ” by such date as may be notified by the Central Government” instead of the earlier deadline. In other words, the linking of Aadhaar is put off indefinitely for bank accounts and PAN till the government says otherwise.
Do you know you can find out when and where your Aadhaar card was used for authentication?
Check these below steps to find out who have used your Aadhar data with or without your consent.
1. Go to Aadhaar authentication history page:
2. Enter your Aadhaar number and the security code in the picture.
4. You will receive an OTP on your mobile phone. Make sure you had verified your number with the UIDAI website.
5. You will see options to choose the period of information and the number of transactions. Write your OTP and click on ‘Submit’.
6. You will see date, time and type of all Aadhaar authentication requests made in the period you had chosen. However, the page won’t show who made the requests.
If you find something suspicious, you can even lock your Aadhaar information online and unlock it whenever you want to use it.