According to the new sets of draft regulations uploaded by University Grants Commission (UGC) in its website, getting admission to PhD will be difficult. The draft regulation has suggested that the institutions which come under ‘Category III Institution’, would enroll candidates who have qualified the NET or SLET or SET examinations for their PhD courses only. Regarding the amendments, the public and stakeholders can provide feedback till June 15.
According to UGC, a Category I University is “if it has been accredited by NAAC with score of 3.5 or above or if it has achieved a ranking in the top 50 institutions of the NIRF ranking in the category of universities for 2 years continuously.”
Category II University is”if it has been accredited by NAAC with score between 3.01 and 3.49 or if it has achieved a ranking from 51 to 100 in the NIRF ranking in the category of universities for 2 years continuously.”
Category III University is if it does not come either under the Category I or Category II as mentioned above and the new regulation mandates that only those candidates would be eligible for enrolling to PhD course into Category-III institutions who have qualified the NET, SET or SLET examinations.