Admit cards in respect of candidates admitted to the CA CPT June 2017 examination, with their photographs and signatures on them, are hosted on No physical admit cards will be sent to any candidate. Candidates are required to download and print their admit cards from the website.
In terms of the decision of the Examination Committee of the Institute, the practice of sending physical admit cards by post is discontinued with effect from May 2017 examination onwards. For downloading/printing of the admit cards, candidates will have to login to their Single-SignOn account at
Steps to download CA Inter/ CA Final May 2017 Admit card:
Step 1: First of all, open the link in your browser.
Step 2: Now, you will see a Login/ Register link in the main menu. Click on that. Fill your Login ID and Password which you have used at the time of filling of exam form.
Step 3: If you are unable to recall your password, use Forgot Password link. A password reset link will be sent to your email address.
Step 4: After successful login, Click on link in front of Admit Card
Step 5: If you are still having difficulties, write to:
Email :
Help Line Telephone numbers:
0120 3054 851, 852, 853, 854 and
835 0120 4953 751,752, 753 and 754