The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) will release the results of the Civil Services main examination soon on the official website,
In order to check the results, the candidates should visit the official website and click on the link, ‘UPSC Civil Services Main Exam Results.’ Enter the necessary details and submit the same. The results will be displayed on the screen. The candidates must take a printout for future use.
Last year, the results were declared on February 20, 2016.
Candidates should only rely on the official website for result related updates. The Civil Services Mains Exam 2016 was conducted from December 3 to 9. The result of the exam is awaited since then. It is expected that the result will be out by end of January 2017.
UPSC has not released any official notification pertaining to IAS Mains 2016 Result. One month is over since the exam was conducted. Candidates are eagerly waiting for the result so that they can start preparing for the next phase of recruitment process, the Interview round.
Candidates who are waiting for Civil Services IAS Mains December 2016 Result can check the result shortly on the official website of UPSC.
In the year 2015, The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted IAS Mains exam from December 18-23. 15,008 candidates appeared for UPSC IAS Mains 2015 Exam. The Mains Result was declared on February 19, 2016 in which 2797 candidates got selected for the interview round.
Syllabus of IAS Mains Exam:
Paper A: One of the Indian languages to be selected by the candidates from the languages included in the eighth schedule of the constitution.
Marks: 300
Paper B: English
Marks: 300
Papers to be counted for merit
Paper I
- Essay (250 marks)
Paper II
- General studies: Indian heritage and culture, history and geography of the world and society (250 marks).
Paper III
- General studies II: Governance, constitution, polity, social justice and international relations (250 marks).
Paper IV
- General studies III: Technology, economic development, bio-diversity, environment, security and disaster management (250 marks).
Paper V
- General studies IV: Ethics, integrity and aptitude (250 marks).
Paper VI
- Optional subject- Paper I (250 marks)
Paper VII
- Optional subject -Paper II (250 marks)
The candidates who will qualify the written test will be appearing for the personailty test which will consist of 275 marks.
Marks alloted:
Total marks for written test: 1750
Personality test: 275 marks
Grand total: 2025 marks