With the budget time coming close, all sections of the society as well as states are hopeful with their expectations from the Centre regarding financial assistance.
Via this post, the writer tries to put torch on the need of awareness about the funds allocated to the rural and weaker sections with a critical comparison to the fund actually abrorbed for the purpose.
The Group for which certain budget is pinned, must be well aware about the fact. As much we focus on the budget at the pre-budget time, the same focus is requested to be maintained post-budget.
No one/ No budget/ No policy can help you (the weaker section/ the mass) the way you can yourself. As for example- I would like to mention a name which need no introduction, our very first President, Dr. Rajendra Prasad. He didn’t had a policy to support him, a budget for his upliftment, a reservation for the position he got.
Even after years of reservation and supportive policies, we have the poors, beggars and the untouchables.
This is surely not intended that there is no need for reservations, policies, or budget. But as our books & experience teaches, planning stands nullified where implementation fails.
So this time we should not and will not sit back after budget session. This same awareness and awakening will continue till the end of the year and after again.
The expectations from coming budget could be under different fields as..
- Budget & Rural Development
- Budget & North East States
- Budget & Education
- Budget & Medicine
- Budget & Taxation