Master in Business Law (MBL) exam is going to start in January 2016. We have compiled relevant topics for this Annual exam, based on past trends. These Important Questions are free to download but you are prohibited to re-distribute it without prior written consent of Commerce Duniya. These are solely for academic purpose and any commercial usage is restricted.
We are also hereby clarified that we are in no way associated with NLSIU or any of its Faculty members. These questions are just to give an idea about the trend in exam.
Compiled by: Commerce Duniya
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[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=590 linktext=’Paper-1: Investment Law’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=598 linktext=’Paper-2: Insurance Law’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id= 597 linktext=’Paper-3: Foreign Trade Law’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=599 linktext=’Paper-4: IP Rights Law’ /]
[wpfilebase tag=fileurl id= 600 linktext=’Paper-5: Corporate Tax Law’ /]