CBDT extends date only in Punjab, Haryana, UT of Chandigarh and Gujarat:
Vide its order dated 30.09.2015 CBDT has extended due date only for the state of Haryana, Punjab , Union Territory of Chandigarh and Gujarat.
Government of incite
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North-Block, TA.II Division
New Delhi dated the 30th of September, 2015
Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961
The Central Board of Direct Taxes, in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court dated 28.09.2015 in case of Vishal Garg & Ors. vs Union of India & Anr.; CWP 19770/2015 and in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’), hereby orders that the returns of income due to be e-Flied by 30th September, 2015 may be filed by 31st October, 2015 in cases of Income-tax assessees of the State(s) of Punjab and Haryana and Union Territory of Chandigarh.
2. This order shall be subject to the outcome of any further appeal/SLP which the CBDT may file against the said Judgment.
(Rohit Garg)
Deputy-Secretary to the Government of India
Government of incite
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Direct Taxes
North-Block, TA.II Division New Delhi dated the 30th of September, 2015
Order under Section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961
The Central Board of Direct Taxes, in compliance to the order of Hon’ble Gujarat High Court dated 29.09.2015 in case of All Gujarat Federation of Tax Consultants vs. CBDT ; Special Civil Application No. 15075 of 2015 and in exercise of powers conferred under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (‘Act’), hereby orders that the returns of income due to be e-Flied by 30th September, 2015 may be filed by 31st October, 2015 in cases of Income-tax assessees of the State of Gujarat.
2. This order shall be subject to the outcome of any further appeal/SLP which the CBDT may file against the said Judgment.
(Rohit Garg)
Deputy-Secretary to the Government of India