The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) is the premier law University in India. NLSIU has opened admissions for MBL and other courses. Applications are invited for admission to the following courses under Distance Education Programme for the Academic year 2013-2014.
1. Two-year Master of Business Laws (M.B.L) Programme
2. One-year Post Graduate Diploma Courses:
a) Human Rights Law (PGDHRL)
b) Medical Law & Ethics (PGDMLE)
c) Environmental Law (PGDEL)
d) Intellectual Property Rights Law (PGDIPRL)
e) Child Rights Law (PGDCRL)
f) Consumer Law & Practice (PGDCLP)
All the above courses are recognised by the Distance Education Council, IGNOU, New Delhi.
Any graduate from a recognised University is eligible to apply. There is no restriction as to the age.
Mode of Application
1. Physical Application
2. Online Application
Physical filing of Application:
For application to any of the above, kindly write to the Coordinator, Distance Education Department, National Law School of India University, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore-560 242 (Old Pin 560 072), along with a Demand Draft of Rs.1,000/- drawn in favour of Registrar, NLSIU, payable at Bangalore. Applications is available from 22nd April, 2012.
Last date for the issue and receipt of duly filled in application:
Without Late Fee : June 30, 2013
With Late Fee of Rs.500 : August 31, 2013
Click here to download Application Form
Online Application:
For the purpose of filing of online application to MBL and other courses of NLSIU for the academic year 2012-13, Applicant has to follow below steps-
step 1: Click here
step 2: Applicant has to create new account on the above link. Please enter your personal details with a valid email address where you will receive e-mails.
step 3: After filing all the details, click on “Create New Account”.
step 4: Login into your email account which you have entered into your detail and check for an email to activate your account. When you open this email you will see a link to activate. You should also check your SPAM folder if not received this mail.
step 5: On clicking the link your account will be created. You can then Login using your email address and password.
step 6: On the home page of portal, applicant will have to click “Proceed” button.
step 7: After clicking the button, Please click on “Apply”, and fill the Application Form. Please fill as much details as possible before clicking on “Submit”.
step 8: Applicant can “Save” the form, come back later and “Submit”.
step 9: On submitting a Form a Bill/Invoice will be generated. Applicant may make payment using Online payment through Net Banking or Credit Card/ Master card/ Visa.
step 10: To make online payment please click on “Make Payment”
step 11: On successfully making the payment you will be Provisionally Admitted.
step 12: Applicant has to print the Application Form, Attach an attested photo copy of Degree Certificate or attested photo copies of Degree Marks Card and Four (4 Passport Size and 4 Stamp Size) and post it to the address given below:
Distance Education Department
Nagarbhavi, Bangalore – 560242(Old PIN 560072)
step 13: After reviewing your documented by the University, Admission will be confirmed.
(Please note: If you do not wish to make online payment, you can send a DD drawn in favour of Registrar, NLSIU payable at Bangalore, along with the printed copy of the Application)
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