The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), in furtherance of its objectives of providing to the industries, members with adequate knowledge and background of industrial functioning, conceived the concept of industrial training.
The period of industrial training may range between nine months and twelve months during the last year of the prescribed period of practical training. The minimum time duration for Industrial Training is 9 months and the mximum being 12 months.
An articled assistant who has passed the IPCC/ PCC or Intermediate examination by whatever name under ICAI, can serve as an industrial trainee for the period specified in any of the financial, commercial, industrial undertakings with minimum fixed assets or minimum total turnover or minimum paid-up share capital as may be specified by the Council.
An Associate who has been a member for a continuous period of at least three years shall be entitled to train one industrial trainee at a time and a fellow shall be entitled to train two industrial trainees at a time, whether such trainees be Articled Assistants or Audit Assistants.
To avail Industrial Training, a student has to submit Form 104 with ICAI and on satisfactory completion of the Training,member under whom the industrial training is received shall issue a certificate in Form No.105 in respect of the training undergone.
MY SELF ANKUR PHALOD CRO0358284 I want to work as an industrial trainee I have completed 1 nd half year of my articleship can i apply for industrial training ,
Ankur, maximum period of Industrial Training is 12 months. So you have to wait for atleast 5-6 months for training.
No.because you must have completed two year articleship before joint industrial training
i hv 4 more months to complete 2yrs of articlshp training..shud i serve 3 months notice for industrl traing? Wht if i take relieval aftr 2 yrs and not placed in industry? Is it difficlt to get placd and if not placd can i rejoin for articlshp?
Do u get a solution for ur query?
It is little tough to say one will get training or not as seats are few in comparison to no. of applicants…But it is safe to inform your principal in advance,,,and in friendly manner…
For latest training updates, check:
Can i apply for industrial training for a period of 9 months during my last year of articleship training but after completing my 2 years and 3 months of my articleship training?
What is the procedure?
Minimum period of Industrial Training is 9 months, so you can join it…
Sir i am looking for CA industrual vacancy pls suggest me some Companies where recruitments are open…so dat i can apply..
can i do industrial training in pvt. ltd. company…?? Is CA institute authorize to do so…?? please answer
i have completed 1 and half years of training..
Yes, you can. But the Company must register with ICAI for imparting training.
Sir i am looking for CA industrual vacancy pls suggest me some Companies where recruitments are open…so dat i can apply..
i have taken 2 transfer . shall i eligible for training because my principal told me that you wont be able to go please suggest me
Yes, you can apply for industrial training.
as i said i have taken 2 transfer and i have to join new firm for another 1 yaer of training ,after that i can eligible for industrial training
but the question is when i will registered under new chartered , after 1 yaer i have to terminate my article ship , so i want to ask you that is their any problem after that …
plss reply correctly because my whole career depends on that decision
Can anyone please help me, what are the forms required to be submitted to ICAI , on behalf of my present firm and the industry iam going to Join
hello , sir i am nilesh khatrani .my article will be completed 2 year from 23rd aug 2015.please send mail for vacancy in gujarat.thank you sir
Nilesh, we regularly post Industrial training vacancies. Keep checking these two links apart from our Facebook page:
sir, i am doing articleship under direct entry. i have completed my articleship 1 & half year but i haven’t cleared any group of ipcc. can i join industrial training after 6 months? plz help me.
Hi all,
I am trying looking for an oppurtunity to work at a manufacturing organisation in the last year of my articleship. After a lot of hunting around, I have found an organisation which is showing interest in me. However, the organisation is not listed as an ‘Approved’ organisation in the list given in ICAI.
According to the rules, I can pursue my industrial training in that organisation but I will first have to get registered with ICAI and then do my industrial training.
My question is what is the procedure for getting this organisation registered?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Sir i am looking for CA industrual vacancy pls suggest me some Companies where recruitments are open…so dat i can apply
i wanted to know whether industrial training can be pursued in last 10 months of articleship.
or does it have to be either full 12 months or full 9 months?
Kindly let me know.
I have some queries regarding industrial training.Can I get your contact no or any other source so that I can resolve the queries..