In partial modification of the Institute’s Notification No. 13-CA(Exam)/N/2012 dated 4th July, 2012, it is notified for general information that in view of the Election to the Himachal Pradesh State Legislative Assembly, Group – 1, Paper – 2, Business Laws, Ethics and Communications of Integrated Professional Competence Examination and Group – 1, Paper – 3, Law, Ethics and Communication of Professional Competence Examination scheduled to be held on Sunday, the 4th November, 2012 at Shimla centre stand postponed and the examination in the said papers shall now be held at Shimla centre on Monday, 19th November, 2012 at the same venue and at the same timings i.e. 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM. Admit Cards already issued would remain valid.
(G. Somasekhar)
Additional Secretary (Examinations)
Old Date of Exam: 04.11.2012
New Date of Exam: 19.11.2012