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Previous 6 years question papers of IGNOU B.Com-I, II & III

B.Com or Bachelor in Commerce is one of the most sought after courses of IGNOU.


Student of B.Com are always in doubt about which topic to cover and which to exclude for their exam. It is advisable to students to go through previous ten attempt questions so that they will get exact idea that what is important for exam purpose.

We are providing below question papers of B.Com-1, B.Com-2 and B.Com-3 years for the past exams 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011. If you need any more content of IGNOU, please ask us through below comment form.

Question Paper 2005

  • June    | [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=15 linktext=’Download‘ /]
  • December |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=16 linktext=Download /]

Question Paper 2006

  • June    | [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=17 linktext=Download /]
  • December |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=18 linktext=Download /]

Question Paper 2007

  • June    |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=19 linktext=Download /]
  • December |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=21 linktext=Download /]

Question Paper 2008

  • June    |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=22 linktext=Download /]
  • December | [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=23 linktext=’Download’ /]

Question Paper 2009

  • June    |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=24 linktext=Download /]
  • December |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=26 linktext=Download /]

Question Paper 2010

  • June    |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=27 linktext=Download /]
  • December |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=28 linktext=Download /]

Question Paper 2011

  • June    |  [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=29 linktext=Download /]




  1. i m in b com first year… and i wan to have any reference book for mysubjectsm…. my subjects are ..BSHF 1. ECO 1 , ECO 2, FEG 1 ,FEG 2 , BEGE 101 , …. Please tell me which book should i buy ,??

  2. Please send me the B.Com correspondence 2nd and 3rd year Old Question Papers for the past six years to study hard and to score good marks.


  3. Please send me the B.Com correspondence old question papers for the past six years for the subjects Kannada, English, Financial Accounting, Banking Theory & Law, Human Resources Management, Indian Constitution for B.Com II Year and Business Law, Business Statistics, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Income Tax Law & Practice, Introduction to Computers, Law & Practice of Auditing, Management Accounting, Marketing Management for B.Com III Year.


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