Union Bank of India was established on 11th November 1919 with its headquarters in the city of Bombay now known as Mumbai. Union Bank has been playing a very proactive role in the economic growth of India and it extends credit for the requirements of different sectors of economy. Industries, exports, trading, agriculture, infrastructure and the individual segments are sectors in which the bank has deployed credit to spur economic growth and to earn from a well diversified portfolio of assets.
POST : Credit Officers—MMGS-III
AGE (As on 01/12/2011): Minimum 21 and Maximum 40
Educational Qualifications:
Degree of a recognised University or equivalent with 60% marks in the final year of Degree course.( 55% for Reserved Category candidates). For candidates who have acquired professional qualifications like C.A /I.C.W.A / C.S after completing std XII and without completing the Graduation, the requirement of minimum qualification of Graduation will be waived. Such candidates however, should have cleared the Inter exam of C.A /I.C.W.A / C.S course in maximum 2 attempts and the final exam in maximum 3 attempts.
AND A Certificate for having completed a Course in Computer Awareness & Office Automation ( In Computer Basics , DOS, Office, Internet & E-Mail) for duration of minimum 60 hours from a reputed Computer Training Institute. This requirement will be waived in case of those Graduates / post Graduates where Computer Awareness or Knowledge was part of their Curriculum at the undergraduate / post graduate level.
Qualifications such as C.A /I.C.W.A / C.S / M.B.A/JAIIB/ CAIIB/Diploma in Banking & Finance (IIBF) or from AFC Institute of Management and Technology (AIMTEC) will be an added advantage.
Work Experience:
The candidate should be presently working in MMGS-II or equivalent i.e. one Scale above the entry level Scale applicable for Officer Cadre. He should possess a minimum of 5 years of working experience as an Officer in a PSU Bank / reputed Private Bank, of which atleast 3 years as Credit processing Officer and should have sound knowledge of Banking Industry and Financial Markets.
Job Profile:
• To perform Credit Analysis (Worthiness) and process Loan proposals.
• Inspect the Business Unit as well as the Bonofides of the prospective Barrower as a part of the Credit dispensation process.
• Conduct due diligence, compile and submit Credit worthiness reports to the competent authority.
• Process new / Renew Credit proposals in a timely manner and put forth comment /recommendations to appropriate authority as per Banks Loan policy guidelines.
Selection Process:
Written Test & / or Psychometric test &/or Group Discussion & / or Personal Interview.
Eligible candidates are required to apply only ‘ON-LINE’ . A Candidate can submit ONLY ONE ON-LINE APPLICATION which can be made between 17-07-2102 and 31-07-2012 (both days inclusive).
Venue : Union Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021, Maharashtra, India
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