The National Law School of India University (NLSIU) offers academic programmes in distance education mode to enable interested candidates in expanding their legal knowledge in a globalized world. One of the most popular course of distance education is MBL.
Click below to download previous year question papers of MBL-1st year
1. Law of Contracts
- [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=33 linktext=’Year 2012′ /]
2. Banking Law & Practice
- [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=34 linktext=’Year 2012′ /]
3. Corporate Law
- [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=35 linktext=’Year 2012′ /]
4. Industrial Relations Law
- [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=36 linktext=’Year 2012′ /]
5. Environmental Law
- [wpfilebase tag=fileurl id=37 linktext=’Year 2012′ /]
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